Following the successful bidding for UPS projects in the medical and other industries, Powerstar came across another success recently.,The other day it got the new hospital UPS project of the Sixth People's Hospital of Dalian city. The Powerstar-UPS power system of Epower series was highly appraised by its customers and professionals by its advanced industrialized structure, high stability, strong adaptability and reasonable costs. Thus it was formally assigned to the hospital data center rooms and monitoring center.
The the new hospital of Sixth People's Hospital of Dalian, located in Houyan village, Gan Jing Zi District is the largest infectious disease hospital with good functions in Northeast China. It will greatly enhance the city's ability to treat infectious diseases. Construction of a new hospital for infectious diseases is also one of the key projects for public health in the three-year plan by Dalian.
Two sets of systems have been smoothly installed and tested, After the examination and acceptance, the systems have started to offer 24-hour uninterrupted power security to the medical devices in the hospital data center and monitoring center. That shows once again that Powerstar enjoys strength in medical applications field by its power products. (Correspondent:Powerstar Power)